Use the Nomago Bikes city bike rental system. Fast and efficient rides on regular e-bikes in 17 municipalities in Slovenia – for less than 4 EUR per month!
City bikes are the fastest and most efficient form of public transport! Bike allows you to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city, and getting to and from your desired location is only up to you.
Riding a bike produces five times less carbon emissions than public transport and ten times less carbon emissions than driving! By using your bike, you make an important contribution to reducing your carbon footprint.
Using the Nomago Bikes city bike system costs only 3.75 EUR per month. Parking and servicing are free, because they are handled by us!
Once you have registered, the Nomago Bikes system is even more straightforward! You simply get on your bike and start pushing the pedals. It's that simple. Electric drive allows you to spend less energy cycling.
There are several ways to register, depending on the system you use.
Nomago Bikes connects the most hidden spots in 17 municipalities across Slovenia. Our fleet is composed of more than 600 bikes waiting for you to take them for an urban ride! View an interactive map of locations where you can use the Nomago Bikes public bike hire service.
We make sure that more than 600 bicycles all across Slovenia are safe and comfortable to ride. Check out the benefits of renting our city bikes and e-bikes!
Front and rear lights with an integrated reflector for extra safety when riding in the traffic.