Nomago Bikes

Nomago Bikes - rent regular and e-bikes affordably and easily. Bike with us!

Your faithful companion for journeys around the city or region

Use the Nomago Bikes city bike rental system. Fast and efficient rides on regular e-bikes in 17 municipalities in Slovenia – for less than 4 EUR per month!

Fast and efficient

City bikes are the fastest and most efficient form of public transport! Bike allows you to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city, and getting to and from your desired location is only up to you.

Reducing CO2 emissions

Riding a bike produces five times less carbon emissions than public transport and ten times less carbon emissions than driving! By using your bike, you make an important contribution to reducing your carbon footprint.


Using the Nomago Bikes city bike system costs only 3.75 EUR per month. Parking and servicing are free, because they are handled by us!

Easy to use

Once you have registered, the Nomago Bikes system is even more straightforward! You simply get on your bike and start pushing the pedals. It's that simple. Electric drive allows you to spend less energy cycling.

A single registration for 20 countries

The e-bike rental service Nomago Bikes was established as part of the nextbike by TIER service. A single registration with Nomago Bikes gives you access to 17 municipalities in Slovenia and 300 locations in 20 European countries.

A single registration for 20 countries

The e-bike rental service Nomago Bikes was established as part of the nextbike by TIER service. A single registration with Nomago Bikes gives you access to 17 municipalities in Slovenia and 300 locations in 20 European countries.

Subscription fees and payment method
Renting and using a bike

There are several ways to register, depending on the system you use.

  • App
    Download the mobile app from the App Store or Google Play and register. The app serves as a means to rent e-bikes, and also provides information such battery charge and bike availability.
  • Terminal
    Would you like to use the service in Celje (KolesCE), Zagorje ob Savi (ZaNaprej) or Nova Gorica (Go2Go)? You can register at a terminal. The terminal is a registration point located next to the Nomago Bikes parking spaces.
  • Point of sale 
    For the KolesCE service, visit us at our sales point in Celje (NOMAGO AP Celje, Aškerčeva ulica 20, Celje), Slovenske Konjice (NOMAGO AP Slovenske Konjice, Liptovska 15, Slovenske Konjice), for the ZaNaprej service, visit us at the sales point in Zagorje ob Savi (NOMAGO AP Zagorje ob Savi, Cesta zmage 4, 1410 Zagorje ob Savi).
  • Nomago call center
    Registration is also possible by phone. Call us on 080 15 05 and we'll go through all the steps together.
  • Renting a bike with a subsciption
    You can rent a bike using a terminal, a contactless card or the app. To rent using the terminal, follow the instructions on the terminal. 
  • Renting and reserving the bike
    In the app, select the "Rent a bike" option and scan the QR code on the bike. There is also an option to enter the bike number manually. The app triggers the unlocking of the bike, which is now available for use. You are ready to ride your bike! You can also reserve your bike before your ride if you wish. In the app, select the desired station and click the "Reserve" icon. Reservations are valid for 10 minutes.
  • Parking the bike 
    If you need to take a short break or are running an errand, your bike can be parked temporarily. In this case, the time the bike is parked counts towards the rental.
  • Returning the bike
    The bike must always be returned to an official Nomago Bikes station. Dock the bike to the docking station to complete the rental successfully. Lock the lock under the seat and wait for the sound signal. In case there is no free docking at the station, park your bike between two parked bikes and lock the lock manually.
  • Activating the user account
    A user account is activated when a valid payment method is entered and the registration confirmed, irrespective of the registration type. Upon registration, a certain amount will be charged and immediately added to your account as credit. It can be redeemed for Nomago Bikes services at any time. 
  • Choose your plan
    After registering and activating your user account, you can choose between an account without a plan or an account with a plan. The annual subscription fee can be paid by debit or credit card or PayPal account via the website, mobile app and terminal, or by cash at the point of sale.
  • Renting a bike without a subscription 
    Bike rentals without a subscription are charged according to the current price list. The rental is charged according to a 30 minute interval, regardless of the actual time of use (a 1 - 30 minute rental is charged as a rental of up to 30 minutes).
  •  Renting a bike without a subscription 
    If you have a subscription, the first 30 minutes of each rental are free. After the initial 30 minutes, the rental is charged according to the current price list. When the initial 30 minutes are up, you can switch your bike at one of the stations and again cycle for free.

The most modern provider of public bike rental services in Slovenia

Nomago Bikes connects the most hidden spots in 17 municipalities across Slovenia. Our fleet is composed of more than 600 bikes waiting for you to take them for an urban ride! View an interactive map of locations where you can use the Nomago Bikes public bike hire service.

High-quality and reliable bike and e-bike rental

We make sure that more than 600 bicycles all across Slovenia are safe and comfortable to ride. Check out the benefits of renting our city bikes and e-bikes!

Front and rear lights

Front and rear lights with an integrated reflector for extra safety when riding in the traffic.

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